Switching accountants
If you are happy with your current accountant - brilliant. It's really important to choose the right accountant for you and your business. Here's some great tips to help you decide or review your current provider.
However, if you are considering switching accountants, you might think the process will take several months, costing you a lot of time and money and inconvenience. Switching is actually really simple. Your new accountant should take care of this for you directly, with little or no input needed from you.
Will it cost me to switch?
There should not be any fee to pay to switch.
If I have paid my accountant in full, should I wait until they have completed the work before switching?
You can change accountants at any time. If you've paid in full you can ask for a statement and your previous accountant can provide you with a refund of the difference to cover the work they have completed.
How do I break the news to my original accountant?
The great news is we take care of this for you. We are a helpful bunch and we make this hassle free and easy for you.
So, if you’re thinking about making the move , here are the steps to a smooth handover:
1) Get in touch with us and will take a few simple details
2) We will advise your accountant and take care of any paperwork
3) That's it! You're all set and can get on with running your business
Let us take care of everything, so you can get on with growing your business. You'll get full peace of mind that you're in the very best hands.
For more information about how we can support your business,
call us on 01925 979500 or email us at enquiries@purpleaccounts.com

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